
How can you tolerate a suit in summer? This was a question I would often receive while living in Miami. While this of course isn't something that needs to be discussed ad nauseum for most of our readers, but for the sake of inquiry, let's add to the aforementioned question and ask, how do you ride a bicycle while wearing a suit in summer? The short answer: With the right fabrics. In fact, natural lightweight ensembles feel more comfortable in summer than synthetic materials. They're often more breathable, some are naturally antimicrobial, and of course better for the environment --and that's a lot coming from a spandex-wearing racer boy.

As for the event, it was a sight to behold. About 135 riders showed up dressed to the nines with bikes between their legs. Seersuckers of all weights and colors dotted the green grass of Washington DC's waterfront park. The ride was a 7.7-mile Anacostia Riverwalk loop (ride with gps map). It showcased D.C.'s best views and landmarks with several planned stops. As the name suggests, the ride is a seersucker-themed bicycle ride. But what the hell is seersucker you might ask?

"Seersucker fabric has been around for centuries. Its name comes from the Persian phrase shir-o-shakhar, meaning “milk and sugar” for the alternating textures. The textile is made of cotton, linen, or silk (or combinations thereof), woven on a loom with threads at different tensions. As the fabric is woven through tight and loose threads, it creates alternating stripes of texture. These smooth and puckered stripes are what make the fabric especially breathable because it doesn’t lay flat against one’s skin. Often, one of these stripes is in a color—most often blue, but sometimes gray, green, tan, red, pink, etc.—making the iconic pattern so well known today."
The ride ended back at Waterfront Park. You could see waves of riders arrive, smiling from ear to ear but ready to set up their picnic beneath the shady trees throughout and take a rest.
Soothing jazz performed by the talented Ken Matthews ushered in the afternoon. With beautiful parasols deployed, D.B.suits, and whimsical ensembles on full display, the park transitioned into a fancy, socializing, dancing, and dining space befitting any1940s setting.

Let's paint a picture of the setting. Think of 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte' by Georges Seurat and that will give you an indication of the vibe, just with a plethora of bikes. We were by the waterside, the weather was a nice 70 degrees, intermittent clouds provided shade, conversations were carried by the wind and danced with the sound of rustling leaves, only adding to its ambiance, and each picnic setup was better than the next.
The personalities were as unique as their bikes. There were true vintage machines, some as old as the 1930s. I spotted a boneshaker, lots of cruisers and commuters, some gravel bikes, road, and e-bikes. All of course would be remiss without a little individual touch of vintage.
Aside from being an effort to bring together two-wheel lovers, The Seersucker Social ride is a great platform to enjoy the versatility and history of seersucker, not just as a fabric but also as a dynamic visual element in action. Paying homage to its roots as a southern workwear staple but also its preppy evolution with tailored ensembles.

For those in the D.C. area who love classic style and bicycles, the Seersucker Social is an absolute must. If you'd like to take part please visit The ride took place on June 4th, 2023. Follow the group on all social platforms for any changes.
And with that my friends, I leave you with a little quote by George Francis Train. “The universe laughed at my seersucker suit, now I laugh at the universe. I am the seer, the universe is the sucker.” After completing a trip around the world in a seersucker suit In 1890.
